Some lovely Diana Wynne…

Some lovely Diana Wynne Jones tributes:

I'm still so sad. No more Chrestomanci books is hard to accept.

I was at Borders briefly today and walked through the children's section, finding her books shelved in three different areas, which is as it should be, as she wrote many different kinds of things. (Although some cross-referencing would have been helpful.) So tempted to pick up a copy of the new vol. 3 edition of the Chrestomanci books, even though I already own both books in that volume as separate editions. But my copies are in a box! I cannot read them right now! Frugality and common sense prevailed (although I may have to squeeze in a library visit tomorrow somehow). But I did let my hands hold vol. 3 for a moment. So much magic in those pages.

Someone said on a Facebook thread that the extra-hard thing about writers dying is that worlds unborn die with them. I never knew Diana herself, but I loved the worlds she created.

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