Hey, y’all remember that…

Hey, y'all remember that I wrote a superhero story for the George R.R. Martin Wild Cards universe, right? Well, the book's scheduled to come out in June 2011 -- and yes, I know, that's still a ways away. But if you're curious, there's a bit of a teaser here, an intro to Fort Freak. Maybe you want to take a look?

Funny thing -- Kavi's still coughing (and last night refused even lollipops, sigh). She spent the night on the couch; she seems to cough less there, maybe because the armrest elevates her head more than a pillow? So this morning, she seemed tired, and as I was getting Anand ready, she said that she was sick, and she needed to stay home and sleep. So I said okay; I had enough stuff to do around the house and no outside appointments today. I took Anand in at 7:30 and dropped him off. Came home, started working. At 8, Kavi started trying to talk to me and play with me. I told her that I had to work today, and that she could stay home, but she had to rest and do quiet things, like looking at books and watching tv. She didn't seem thrilled, so I asked her if she'd rather go to school. And she very cheerfully said, "Yes! I'm feeling better." So I got her dressed and took her to school at 8:30. On the one hand, a little annoying to have to make two separate trips. But on the other, it's a relief to see that she now likes school well enough that it's preferable to sitting at home, bored. :-)

In other news, got some writing done this morning, also some cleaning, also some errands. Now I'm at Borders, and am going to relax a bit with some Sookie Stackhouse. Because I have less than two weeks of summer vacation left, and I think I could use some Southern vampire relaxation...

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