Got home safe around…

Got home safe around 10:30 last night, was asleep from about 11:30 - 4, then got up with Anand. Tired. And I thought Adriana was going to be here from 8 - 4 today, and I was going to leave Anand with her and take Kavi to Jarmila's graduation party, but she never showed, and I can't reach her on her phone, so I'm worried that something's wrong, and I'm too exhausted to even think about trying to bundle up both kids and take them to the party by myself. I kept falling asleep while I was trying to watch Kavi this morning. Am drugging myself with massive doses of caffeinated tea. And Kev, of course, is exhausted after three days without me, plus he's got a ton of work on deadline he has to get done. And we're moving on Thursday / Friday. And I have a festival in Wisconsin to go to Saturday.

Posting may be a bit sparse this week. Wish us luck!

On the plus side, got Kavi a Peapod bed for upcoming travel, and she LOVES it. So that's something. Trying to decide whether to get one for Anand too. He's not as forgiving with naps as she is. Will try him in it later and see how he does, I guess.

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