Kavi Goes to the…

Kavi Goes to the Zoo

We went to the zoo this afternoon with Nilofer, Shashi, and their two girls. Kavi was still a little young for it -- I think the only animals she even really noticed were the monkeys. She did point at them a fair bit, so that's something. But all the big animals were either too slow for her or blended too much into the surroundings, I think. Ah well -- she enjoyed the outing, and she *loved* the water jets in the children's playground. That was her first time with jets like that -- we need to take her down to Millenium Park before the summer ends. Although maybe those jets would actually be a little too much for her. Hmm...

3 thoughts on “Kavi Goes to the…”

  1. Mary Anne Mohanraj

    Thanks! I love that hat photo in particular — the hat didn’t stay on very long, though. 🙂

    The dress is Gap’s eyelet apron dress, from this summer, and is on sale currently in my local store. Their website has it too, but only in XXL. I love the dress very much — it’s simple and easy and lined (so I can wear it to teach in) and it has pockets!!!

    I’ve started adding pockets to as many of my dresses as I can, but it’s expensive (my tailor is charging $28/two pockets) and not all dresses can adapt that way. So I’m extra happy when I find one that does. Especially when I’m leaving my office to teach, all I want is someplace to stick my my office key and a credit card for lunch. I hate purses.

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