And, to make this an…

And, to make this an extra-special fabulous day, not only do I have my cover, but I have the first chunk of my money! Bob wired it into my account last night. My bank balance has never ever been so high. (Keeping in mind that my accustomed practice has been to teeter on the brink of financial ruin for the last decade or so, occasionally dipping a toe into the sea of destitution...)

Plan for today: spend it all! :-) :-) :-)

No, no, I have a feeling Kevin would have words with me if I did that. There are clearly drawbacks to this whole merging finances plan. It's all well and good when you're being a kept woman, but apparently it can lead to...fiscal responsibility. Hmph. And I already did buy a computer with a chunk of this money, so now we get to pay off the credit card on that. Exciting in its own way, I'm sure. :-)

Anyway, must run -- will be offline the rest of the day with foundation center class, followed by working at a cafe in the city, followed by dinner with Jeremy. Good day.

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