I went ahead and…

I went ahead and purchased new OS X versions of Fetch ($25) and GraphicConverter ($30), even though I could've just kept using my old ones in classic mode. See -- I'm not a total cheapskate. :-) It's just a matter of things being priced reasonably. And I'll grant you, I'm a little more inclined to buy things from people other than Microsoft...

I've probably done enough playing around with the new system for today. I'm mostly alternating cleaning (dishes, laundry) with artwork today, actually. I've almost finished making a very fancy photo album and another collage. I'd actually like to finish all my artwork pretty soon -- I don't really want to be workign on it up 'til the last minute. I think I have enough little books at this point -- just time to make a few more collages. I'm just finishing "readings in a lost november"; after that, I think I may do "on the uselessness of time travel" (which you haven't seen yet, because I sold it to Star*Line, and it's not out in print yet. Tim has kindly given me permission to go ahead and make a piece of art out of it anyway. :-)

Kira's just taken off, btw. Was lovely having her here, in a nice, low-key way.

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