Okay, just a short and…

Okay, just a short and silly note to tell y'all that I'm writing from an airport, of all things. Waiting for my flight and logged in at $2.50/ten minutes, so I certainly won't be on long, but the geek in me thinks this is mighty cool...

Otherwise, bored stiff. Or rather, was bored stiff, trying to read an Effinger book (I'd heard good things about _When Gravity Fails_, but couldn't find it, so reading _The Exile Kiss_, two books later in the series, which is not exciting me, which may be a reflection on my current tired brain state rather than the book or Mr. Effinger (who I sincerely hope I like, since I'll be critiquing with him and Ms. Asaro and Mr. Feintuch for three hours on Saturday...)) and failing, so was getting very antsy until I wandered into a bookstore at the airport and picked up Maupin's _Tales of the City_, which is just delightful. A fabulous San Francisco book, and I'll be finishing it soon and then giving it to my Clarion-classmate Nancy as a hostess gift (she lives in D.C. and is putting me up during the Con) and hoping she doesn't mind a once-read book...

Anyway, I was reading that and walking down the hallway towards my gate and I glanced up and noticed someone checking e-mail! Huzzah! My only frustration is that I wanted to get something from my lanminds account and I can't seem to get there. I vaguely remember that they have some sort of protection stuff up, but it's driving me bonkers. I'll have to call and have someone send me the stuff I need. Okay, sliding into third ten minutes, so really should finish up, my darlings. Fingers typing so fast they're stumbling over themselves...or maybe that's tiredness. Think I got everything done that absolutely had to be done, though, so that's some comfort.

Talk to you later, munchkins...

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